Spring Cleaning And a Life Lesson

Wayne and his wife Lisa were cleaning up a boat together this spring, and she offered a labor-saving idea which Wayne rejected out of hand. No, this isn’t a soap opera story of a marital dispute, but it does beg the question: What does cleaning a boat on a sunny, muggy day have to do with construction and business?

Please tune in this week as Wayne uses a tale of spring cleaning to springboard into a call he had to make with a member asking for help. Did he make the right choice? Or was his decision a raw deal for the contractor? What do you think? Please share your viewpoint with us in the comments.

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Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne, I think the comments you are receiving on fees are interesting, because although that is certainly an important topic, I didn’t consider your message in this video to be about fees at all. It was all about being honest, with yourself and others. My dad and I used to have spirited arguments when I was a teenager, and he used to quote a thought leader frequently, who said, “Right is Right, Even if No One is Right”. Simplistic, yes. But, such can be an excellent guide when dealing with complex issues. Thanks for this perspective.

    • Thanks, Ed.

  2. One more thought…..in honor of his recent passing:

    “Always take the high road, it’s less crowded” – Charlie Munger

    • Thank you, Jim.

  3. Tough question without a clear answer. All of us have fee structures that vary from client to client. and often from project to project. You’re selling a finite professional service which is a different proposition. With integrity being a prime value to many/all of us, I often use the concept of: “Would I be proud telling my grandmother, would it stand the light of day if it were front page news (or left on the copier/printer for all to see…). Would I be able to explain, rationalize, justify…..” These dilemmas are never easy, nor is the answer crystal clear. I think you did the right thing, especially in a peer group environment where we all compare what we pay/incur for everything!!

    • Come on, Jim! You’re telling me that thrifty contractors compare the prices they pay for professional services?!? I never would have guessed such a thing!

  4. I’m not a fan of the FBI consulting fee structure. It’s not reasonable to have a “one price fits all” fee structure to address a wide variety of contractor needs – all of which are different in terms of complexity and their financial value / impact to the organization.

    • Josh- what would you propose as a reasonable alternative? Thanks.

  5. Good message, Wayne. Many years ago a mentor of mine said Arnie, “There is no right way to do a wrong thing.” When I am tempted, even for a few seconds as you mentioned, I try to bring this to mind. Deciding ahead of time that you aren’t going to compromise reduces the temptations when they come along.

    • Thanks, Arnie.

  6. You absolutely did the right thing. That defines the word integrity.

    • Thanks, Mark

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