Why You Never Seem to Get It All Done

In today’s digital age, interruptions and distractions make staying on task and being productive harder than ever. How can you stay productive and achieve your goals while simultaneously having decent balance in your life?

Watch our blog this week as Wayne talks about the reasons we stay behind the eight ball all the time and presents you with five tips for reestablishing control over your time – and your life.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Eat the live frog first! Getting the worse thing done first, helps your attitude through the entire day, and makes it more productive, too.

    • Agree 100% Cherie. Tell everyone Wayne says hi!

      • Will do!

  2. I am a farmer and am in my office from 6 am to 7 pm every day. I charge my phone in my office instead of taking it into the house. I do not want to talk to anyone at 8pm, 10pm. Occasionally I do take it into the house and then I have problems sleeping. I use about 4000 min a month just on phone calls, not counting text or emails.

    • Gotta have healthy boundaries, Dave. Office v. home; that’s good. 13 hour days regularly? That part needs a little work, brother!

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