Why You Need to Communicate MORE Now

As the pandemic winds down, we are hearing reports from our members that economic headwinds are mounting and 2021 might prove to be a challenging year. In troublesome times and in the absence of real information from leaders, guess what? PEOPLE MAKE THINGS UP! And the things they imagine are usually much worse than reality.

In our blog this week, Wayne gives you four tips for communicating clearly and forcefully and makes reference to a Hollywood blockbuster to help illustrate the point of great communication.

Please give us the benefit of your thinking in the comments section below.

And, don’t forget about our next Contractor Business Boot Camp class scheduled for Oct 15-16 in Raleigh, NC. Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more about the program.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. As Coach Valvano said at NC State, “Survive and Advance!”

    • Ha ha, Roly! Well said! As an aside, I almost crashed into Valvano’s red Mercedes convertible one day on campus. I think I may have missed a stop sign. He was pretty cool about it. That’s the closest thing I had to an interaction with him.

  2. Wayne, you can never go wrong quoting Barney Fife.

    • NIP IT!

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