Why Are Soft Skills the Hardest?

FBI Senior Consultant Mike Flentje made a profound statement in a recent Contractor Business Boot Camp: “The soft stuff is the hard stuff.” What does this mean? And why is this the case?

Please tune in this week as Mike and Wayne discuss the difference between hard and soft skills, whether soft skills are product of “nature versus nurture,” and whether and how they can be learned.

Please give us the benefit of your thinking in the comments section below. Thank you.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Good stuff and big believer in “attitude determines your altitude.” I like the Procore analogy. A project team’s soft skills with the Architect, Subs, and Owners is the key to project success assuming all of the technical aspects are well executed.

    • We’re with you, Todd. Thanks for commenting!

  2. Wayne, good session. The two person format (back/forth) was a nice change up. Thanks.

    • Thanks, Kent. We have some good minds in our shop; gotta get them more involved to share their gifts!

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