Who Are America’s Millionaires?

I bet a great deal of what you think about “the wealthy” is mostly myth. Based on research done by Dave Ramsey and Dr. Tom Stanley, Wayne this week details who America’s millionaires REALLY are, how they achieved their status, what their spending habits are, how they were educated, and a few other interesting tidbits.

If you’re interested in helping create the millionaires of tomorrow, please enroll your high potential employees in FBI’s one of a kind Contractor Business Boot Camp where they will learn the BUSINESS of construction. Our Jan 2022 class in almost full. Contact Charlotte today at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne, God bless America and all the opportunities afforded to those that wish to succeed financially!! P.S. The 6% of current millionaires that spends more than they earn may have represented a disproportionate percentage of the 21% of today’s millionaires who inherited their wealth and possibly have the capacity to spend like drunken sailors.

    • Indeed, Don, America is still a land of opportunity!

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