Which Industries Are the HAPPIEST?

Have you ever heard of The American Time Use Survey? We hadn’t either until we came across an article from Flowing Data detailing some key takeaways from the Bureau of Labor Statistics survey. So which industries are evaluated as the happiest? Least happy?

Tune in this week as Wayne again explores the concept and importance of workplace happiness. Can you guess how construction fared in the survey? You might be surprised! Please let us know in the comments your theories about why happy industries say they’re happy and why the lowest scoring industries report widespread dissatisfaction.

We are almost full for the last Contractor Business Boot Camp class of 2023. The class starts on Nov 9 in Raleigh. Enroll your rising high-potential NextGen leaders NOW! This is the best investment you will make towards their leadership career development. The next class will start on Feb 22, 2024 in Dallas, TX. Contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more about the program.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. I think architects and engineers have two problems. First is level of compensation – I have seen at least 10 or 20 design team members switch over to construction or owner representation in the past five years just because of the compensation. Second is the way they are regarded professionally. I have worked with a few European architects and engineers who have told me that they cannot believe the disregard for design professional in our country. Too many times designers, just like contractors, are viewed as commodities rather than service providers. I would like to know what spectrum of the construction industry was interviewed to put construction at number one for happiness. I have a feeling it is heavily weighted to field workers as opposed to project managers and executives.

    • Interesting, Vick, thank you. If they did weight towards field workers which is very likely since there are many more of them than executives, it is most encouraging that your field folks are happy, isn’t it?

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