
When is the best time to exercise? What’s the best age at which to get married? What’s the optimal way to start off your morning? When should you avoid medical procedures? The answers to these questions may seem quite individual, but in his book When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Daniel Pink demonstrates they’re anything but. Almost two-thirds of human beings follow a very predictable daily pattern – one that if we recognize we can take advantage of for more happiness and successful outcomes.

Please tune in this week for Wayne’s book review. What time or timing lessons have you learned that have increased your successes in the construction industry? Please advise our audience in the comments section.

And get your high potential NextGen employees signed up for The Contractor Business Boot Camp scheduled for Feb. 9-10, 2023 in Raleigh. Seats are filling up fast, so don’t delay. Contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information.

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