What’s a FOOLPROOF Way to Increase the Value of Your Business?

We recently got a call about how to value a construction company. There are lots of answers to that question, but we’re not really in the valuation business, so we punted. However, if you ask the question: “How do I increase the VALUE of my construction company?” there is a proven methodology for accomplishing that.

Please tune in this week as Wayne talks about a time-tested methodology for increasing the value of your business for not only your benefit but also for those who follow you. What do you think? Is Wayne full of hot air? What has worked for you in terms of adding value to your company? Please share with us in the comments.

The Contractor Business Boot Camp is a one-of-a-kind curriculum for developing your NextGen leaders. We have classes starting soon in Denver, and Raleigh. Contact Charlotte today at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne,

    Good afternoon.

    You have made great points in this video. I agree with you.

    • Thanks.

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