What Is Transferable Value?

What in the world is “transferable value,” and what has it got to do with people owning and operating construction companies?

Please tune in this week as Wayne discusses this rather important business concept and gives you the seven things you must have to maximize your transferable value as well as a self-test you can take to see if you’re there yet.

Please give us the benefit of your thinking in the comments section below.

And, don’t forget about our next Contractor Business Boot Camp class scheduled for Oct 15-16, 2020 in Raleigh, NC. Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more about the program. Hurry up! Early Bird pricing ends soon!

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. We hit 6 of 7 for sure. How do you define recurring revenue? We have a group of stable consistent clients that we work with but they are dependent on market conditions like everyone else. I’m not sure how anyone in construction could claim they have guaranteed recurring revenue. I am dreaming about that 4 week vacation!

    • For a contractor, recurring revenue is having “lifetime clients” that look to you to do their work and consistently have new work available. Glad to hear you check the boxes! Why no four week vacation, Jon? If you have the right people…

  2. Wayne, you couldn’t be more spot on. No company’s (unless a sole proprietor) success/future should be dependent upon one single person.

    • Yep! You are correct, sir!

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