There are no two construction company executives that are exactly alike. We’re all unique in our own ways with dramatically differing strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and blind spots. But are there a few ways in which all the great ones are alike? What are the business fundamentals you must master in order to maximize your potential?
Please watch this week as Wayne reviews six ways in which virtually all successful leaders mirror each other in their business practices.
We’d like to hear what you’d add to this short list. Please give us the benefit of your thinking in the comments section below. Thank you.
Paul S. Crow says:
Wayne, I am about a 1/3 of the way through a book titled “The Attributes” that identifies 25 hidden drivers of optimal performers as researched by a Navy Seal – Rich Diviney. So far, the book is a great read!
I absolutely agree with your 6 attributes, a much simpler list to implement!
Wayne Rivers says:
There has been an explosion of books from former Seals, hasn’t there, Paul? 25 is way too many to try and implement, that’s for sure. Thanks, Paul.
Marnie Bodine says:
Hi Wayne – where do customers/clients fit in the fundamentals? I’ve watched a number of companies recently put so much focus on “˜loving on’ their employees, that they forget about taking care of their clients. Love your blogs – always great information!
Wayne Rivers says:
If you have the right people doing the right things at the right times because they’re inspired to perform, customers find themselves very well taken care of, Marnie.
Don Woodruff says:
Great reminder of the fundamentals; though fundamental, always challenging to keep doing them. One success fundamental I would add; take time to work ON the business, whether time to think or a brief sabbatical.
I was hoping to go one day without hearing “we’re all in this together” (3:02 mark), maybe tomorrow I will reach my goal.
Wayne Rivers says:
Thanks, Don. Sorry for the cliché. I guess I better come up with a better way of stating it!