Unique Ability

What is the concept of “Unique Ability,” and why should you bother with trying to define yours?

Dan Sullivan, founder of The Strategic Coach program, observed quite brilliantly that “People don’t suffer from a lack of opportunity, they suffer from too much!” That being the case, defining and working in your Unique Ability will help you focus your heart and mind on doing the things that you do best – thereby raising your personal performance as well as that of your organization.

Please tune in this week as Wayne defines Unique Ability and provides insight on why you should define and pursue your own.

And don’t forget about our next Contractor Business Boot Camp class coming up Oct. 15, 2020. You don’t have much time left to sign up your high potential NextGen leaders! Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more about the program.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. My Unique Ability is to “see what’s possible, and lead other’s to it.” Possibly meaningless words to you… but packed full of meaning and insight for me. Discovering it has reshaped my role and focus in work and life. Highly recommend spending the time to discover yours.

    • Not meaningless at all, Ben. That’s a great UA! Pursuing one’s UA is a life-altering endeavor.

      Well done, sir!

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