The Top 6 Trends Shaping Family Businesses in 2019

As 2019 kicks into high gear, there are six major trends emerging for family firms.

Watch our blog this week as Wayne summarizes what you should be aware of in 2019. We would love to hear what you are seeing and we look forward to having your comments.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne – like all of your blogs, this one was spot on; really hit home. We see the exact same things trending!

    • Thanks, Tim. Good to know we’re not out in left field!

  2. Have been enjoying your blog now for 2 years and have learned so much. Looking forward to more information in preparing for the next downturn. We are In retail furniture and Dad passed away 2 years ago. Has been difficult with 6 children (shareholders). Thanks for your time and information. Janet

    • You’re welcome, Janet!

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