Tom Petty’s Family Battles Over His Estate

You may like Tom Petty’s music, but you certainly wouldn’t want to leave your testamentary affairs in such a state of dissonance. Even though estate entanglements sometimes seem the rule rather than the exception, you CAN take appropriate steps to make sure you don’t sow the seeds of disharmony among your heirs.

Watch our blog this week as Wayne uses the headline-grabbing news of Tom Petty’s estate to give you three specific actions you can take to avoid fueling disputes among your family.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

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  1. Interesting your Grandfather was “frugal” beyond belief. That is a function of his growing up in the Depression when people had nothing and they did not know where their next meal was coming from. A far cry from the entitled masses of today.

    • There is a difference, David, between frugal and foolish. Skimping on the professionals you hire to construct your building, resolve your legal troubles, maintain your vehicle fleet, etc. is almost always penny-wise and pound-foolish.

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