The Streetlight Effect

A very old joke about a man searching for his lost keys helps us understand a human cognition issue referred to as “The Streetlight Effect.” Learn this week how The Streetlight Effect manifests itself in your organization, how gravitating towards the known and comfortable holds you back, and why you need courage and bold catalysts to engender real, lasting changes.

Thank you for tuning in. We welcome your comments below.

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  1. As Einstein said, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.” Need to look outside the light and eliminate the insanity! Solid advice as always from Wayne.

    • Roly! Quoting Einstein on our website! That’s a first, Brother! Appreciate the wisdom. Thank you.

  2. Recent experience in not tolerating poor or mediocre performance just because someone has been a “loyal employee ” for “X” years. Set expectations and take swift, decisive action if they can’t be met. Only way to move organization forward.

    • It sounds harsh, Chip… But ultimately that’s what has to happen. It all comes down to people and how we will hold them accountable.

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