The Power of Peers

The current crisis has only amplified the everyday challenges of business – competition, growth, profitability, market relevance, and sustainability. Real-time education in the form of peer to peer sharing, support, advice, and perspective is among the most effective ways to overcome business problems.

Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis discusses the power and sharing capabilities of a strong peer network.

We would love to hear your thoughts on building peer relationships in the comments. Thank you!

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Dennis, we completely agree. We have gained great value and learning from our Peer Group investment. Both in times of disruption like we’re having as well as during the “normal” course of business.

    • Thanks, Kent. I think the journey to success is a journey of learning. As each of us is open to the possibility of learning and has the willingness to share, we can unlock that untapped human potential Mike spoke of.

  2. Dennis, I found this blog post very insightful and helpful. The largest waste of any team is untapped human potential. Relying on others for ideas, advice, perspective and “letting people in” can strengthen overall teamwork and drive better outcomes.

    • Thanks, Mike! I like the concept of untapped human potential – future blog on this subject, I think.

  3. Well said Dennis – Peer groups have been a key value add for me for decades. This COVID adventure has been very quickly addressed thru Peer to peer connections and support.

    • Jim,

      It is a very cool thing to witness. I wonder what we might unleash if we could get everyone in our organizations to “reach across the aisle” and learn the lessons and best practices of others within the organization.


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