The Paradox of Change

Most of us really, really dislike change! Whether it’s at home, work, church, school, etc., we are uncomfortable with and reflexively resist change. But Jack Welch admonishes us about making sure that internal changes at least match the pace of external ones. If you proactively introduce change, you’re going to get pushback, but if you don’t drive change”, what’s a construction leader to do?

Please tune in this week as Wayne recounts a story of how one business executive regularly revamps things in his organization in order to stay ahead of the obsolescence curve and presents The Change Model, a graphical tool you can download and utilize to educate your teams on how human beings react to change and how to push through the inevitable periods of CHAOS in order to achieve a new, sustainable status quo.

We’re eager to hear about how you’ve engineered changes successfully in your companies. Please comment in the section below. Thanks!

A new Contractor Business Boot Camp class starts on Oct 21st, 2021 in Raleigh. Invest in your rising high-potential leaders and prepare them for the leadership skills they’ll need to excel. Please contact Charlotte at to learn more about the program.

P.S. – Click Here to download the Change Model.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Hi Wayne,
    Thank you for this. We are in one of those periods of change. I’m going to share this with the team!

    • You’re welcome, Tom. See Randy’s comment below, and don’t go backwards in the face of change

  2. Hi Wayne ,
    Wow this blog really hit home for us! I have followed your blogs for years and learned so much wisdom from you, but this one sounds like it was talking about our business! We made several key changes in how we do business – many due to Covid forcing and allowing us to do so.

    It was tough, challenging, and sometimes wanted to go back, but we didn’t and today we are in such a better place and, more importantly, have never been more successful and profitable! Thank you for sharing!

    • Great, Randy. Congrats on having the courage – that’s what it takes to make changes happen – to stick to your plans and see them through.

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