The Four Legged Stool for Construction Success

Everyone has heard some form of the “three-legged stool” analogy. A four legged stool, one may safely assume, is even more stable. What are the four legs necessary for long term construction success?

Dennis is turning in his LAST TEN VIDEO BLOGS as he rides into the sunset of retirement. Please watch the first installment as Dennis shares the four necessary components required for building a successful construction company. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Please share with us in the comments below.

We are down to the last 10 seats of The Contractor Business Boot Camp starting on Feb 9-10, 2023 in Raleigh. If you haven’t yet enrolled your rising NextGen leaders to this leadership development course, do it today! Contact Charlotte at for more information.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Excellent Video Dennis. The two things I would add is to your comments talking about the first Leg of the stool:

    #1. Be smart in choosing who you are working for!!
    And make sure your team understands the importance of collaboration with the GC
    for a fair & equitable contract.

    We love your blogs and appreciate your InSite and Leadership in our industry Dennis.
    Have a great weekend my friend.

    Sincerely, Mike Waldenberg

    • Thanks Mike for the add ons. Great points! Glad to have you listening in and commenting.

  2. It would be very helpful if there was transcript available when the email was sent out. I don’t have time to watch the video, and I can read much faster than Dennis can speak.

    • Jake,

      Good suggestion. I am working on documenting each of these messages.

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