The Best Leadership Presentation I Have Ever Seen

You can believe that, in my travels over 30+ years in business, I have seen hundreds of presenters discussing hundreds of topics. A fair number of the presentations were on the subject of leadership. You may ask, “Do any of them really stand out?” Yes, of course! There was Capt. Mike Abrashoff talking about turning around the worst U.S. Navy ship and making it the best. But the best I’ve ever experienced was delivered by our own Mike Flentje, a former U.S. Navy submarine commander (be sure to ask Mike F. what submariners call surface ships!).

Please tune in this week as Wayne does a short review of Mike’s two-day leadership course and details the one key slide that best encapsulates the concepts Mike teaches to Boot Camp attendees.

For more information on The Contractor Business Boot Camp, please contact Charlotte at

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Enjoyed this. Please send me the slides.

  2. Very good thoughts on leadership Wayne, thank you.
    Please send me the slide.

  3. I appreciate your training and would like to have you send me the slides.
    I enjoy learning from professionals outside of my industry and certainly have benefited from your knowledge and willingness to share it.

  4. Please send me the slides, thank you.

  5. send me the slide please. thanks ivan

    • Will do, Ivan!

  6. Please send me a copy of the critical leadership slide. Thanks

  7. I like what I am hearing from the single slide on leadership; highly inspiring.

  8. kindly send me this set of slides

  9. Please send me the slide. Thanks Wayne!

  10. Please email me the slide. Thanks for all of the great blogs.

    • Will do, and you’re welcome.

  11. Please send me the slide. Thanks for the posts!

    • will do. You’re welcome.

  12. The slide would be helpful as well to review with the leadership team. Thanks Wayne!

    • We’ll send it today, Wells. You’re welcome!

  13. Great slide and pertinent topic ALWAYS! Please email this slide to me. Thanks!

    • Will do, Brandon

  14. Please forward the slide

  15. Please send me a copy of the slide

    • Will do, Gary.

  16. Great message Wayne! As a retired Marine, solid leadership is critical to successful execution and completion of any mission. You hit the nail on the head with the last bullet of Servant Leader. Get out in front, take care of your people, and they will want to follow. Thank you for sharing.

    • You’re welcome, Ryan. And there is no such thing as a retired Marine, right?

  17. Please email me the slide on Leadership-Best One

    • Will do, Tom. Thank you.

    • Will do. Thanks for asking!

  18. send the slide please

  19. Please send slide. Thanks

    • Will do, Jake. Thanks.

  20. please share the slide with me please & thank you

    • Will do. You’re welcome.

  21. Please send me the slide. Thanks for the weekly video’s. They are always challenging me to do better.
    Cleo Holder, CFP CKA

    • You’re welcome, Cleo

  22. Please send me the slide. thank you!

  23. would like the slide please great job as always

    • Thanks Wayne. Please email me the slide

    • On the way, Paul. Thanks!

    • Please email me the slide on Leadership-Best One.

      • I’d love a copy of the slide. Thank you for the weekly blog posts!

        • You’re welcome

    • Good job praising Mike, Wayne!

      • Good! He earns it! Thanks, Don.

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