Ted Williams Final at Bat – A Family Business Lesson

An individual’s success – even an individual as talented as Ted Williams – is tied to the success of the whole team. No individual, no matter how talented, can grow and succeed beyond a certain point without talented teammates.

Watch our blog this week as Wayne recounts the story of Ted William’s last ballgame and shares the lesson revealed in Williams’ final at bat.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget about Boot Camp Delta starting Oct 14 in Raleigh, NC. Please get in touch with Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more about the program and enroll your high potential rising leaders. Early bird pricing ends soon!

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. This is a good demonstration of how much individually we can truly contribute to our family businesses, although we like to think of ourselves as all-stars. When our company unexpectedly lost two executives within a three month period, it was impressive how the rest of the organization stepped up, and we really lost little ground. After that point, I was convinced that if I could be a more likable boss, employees would surely give 10% better effort, and that would pay out more than me swinging my ax 100% of the time. It was once described to me that stopping to sharpen the ax every so often will actually increase your yield. I’m a believer in the power of the untapped talent on the rest of the team.

    • Excellent, Drew. Your team, like so many others, stepped up when the going got tough. Congrats!

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