Successful, NOT Sustainable

People have a natural tendency to believe that once they have achieved a certain level of success, they will continue to be successful. But the reality is often quite different. Achieving success is hard, and sustaining it is much, much harder!

Watch our blog this week as Wayne explains why it is so difficult to sustain success and what steps can you take as leaders of your organizations to continuously grow, improve, and prosper.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. How do I sign up?

  2. Simple and on target!

    • Glad you like it! Thanks!

  3. Super great read – and something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately personally in our own business. So how does the next generation, or any generation for that matter, tackle the long-term sustainability problem? What are some of the actions that need to be taken or mindsets that need to be adjusted?

    • Might have to take your question offline, Erica. Could be a long answer… Thanks

  4. Spot On Wayne!!!

    There is no doubt that success and sustainability do not go “hand in hand”…Our long term vision is often overlooked during the good times, when companies believe their successes will only continue to grow and that bench strength, succession plans and processes will be a result of the growth….

    • Absolutely right, Danny! Thanks.

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