Returning to the Office – or Not?

We are in the midst of the world’s greatest working from home (WFH) experiment. Some results are in, and some conditions are still evolving. How will you handle your future work force? Will everyone return to your office, or will you have to adapt to a virtual team? Or both?

Please tune in this week as Wayne points out five positives of the great WFH experiment, five negatives, and offers five tips for dealing with this new employment normal.

Please give us the benefit of your thinking in the comments section below.

And, don’t forget about our next Contractor Business Boot Camp class scheduled for Oct 15-16 in Raleigh, NC. Please contact Charlotte at to learn more about the program.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. We have been working from home for years. Less the stress and danger of the commute not to mention reduced distractions far more productive in less time.

    • Good for you, David. Some of us can’t work at home very productively for whatever reasons. It’s going to be interesting to see the next evolution…

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