Redefining Productivity In Your Family Business

You’ve been putting in impossible hours at work, but the results you want still elude you. Do you often wonder why some people perform better than others despite having similar skills and education? What is the secret to achieving breakthrough success?
Listen to Wayne in our blog this week as he decodes the mantra to succeeding in business: achieve more by doing less.
We look forward to your comments and thoughts.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Brilliant!

    • Thanks, John!

  2. Great job Wayne. As you mentioned, Dan Sullivan’s concept of Unique Ability really works! Couldn’t agree more, that hrs worked are NOT a good measure, results are.

    • So right, Kent! Thanks!

  3. You said use unique ability of a person – well said. I would add here – try and focus on specialisation of a function rather than ‘jack of all and master of none’.

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