Eisenhower’s famous quote is quite a paradox. How does one reconcile this? Why do planning at all?
Tune in this week as Wayne reconciles the famous paradox and presents four ways in which planning is absolutely indispensable.
And please give us your thoughts in the comments section. Thank you.
Alan Mills says:
Very helpful and well put.
I can’t believe you went through the whole video without mentioning the other P word, Preparation. It’s the preparation and of being prepared that planning does for us. We can more easily adapt and cope with unforeseen circumstances.
Wayne Rivers says:
Is planning not synonymous with prepping?
Paul S. Crow says:
Good stuff, Wayne! Very appropriate timing!
Wayne Rivers says:
Thanks, Paul!
David Helms says:
My late Uncle served two tours of duty in Vietnam and he used to say “planning makes chaos manageable.”
Wayne Rivers says:
That’s a great way to put it. Thanks, David.
Ignacio says:
Excellent and most appropriate for the times we are passing through.
Wayne Rivers says:
Thank you.