Making Strategy Real and Actionable

We know. We know. Our blogs focus relentlessly on Strategic Planning and all its many benefits. But how many contractors have told us in frustration, “We tried that, spent a ton of money, and it just did not move the needle for us at all!” Where is the disconnect? How can so many contractors believe so passionately in this process and swear by the results they get while, simultaneously, so many others have been disappointed and think it a waste of their precious time?

Please tune in this week as Wayne shares the best illustration he has ever encountered of the direct connection between long term planning and day to day activities and explores where that disconnect takes place. There is even a link following the blog for a tool you can use to help transform strategy into action and accountability.

We’d love to have your thoughts; where do you come down on this argument and why? Thank you.

A new Contractor Business Boot Camp class starts on Oct 21st, 2021 in Raleigh. Invest in your rising high-potential leaders and prepare them for the leadership skills they’ll need to excel. Please contact Charlotte at to learn more about the program and early bird pricing.

P.S. – Click Here to download FBI’s Action Planning Template.

Please click here to download the transcript.

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