Making Better – and Faster! – Decisions

The decision making processes in many family businesses are, to put in bluntly, broken. Failing to make timely decisions creates confusion, destroys momentum, nullifies competitive advantages, and discourages your employees.

Watch our blog this week as Wayne shares seven tips to help you make better decisions.

We would love to hear what innovative decision making tools you use in your companies. Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

Invest in your future leadership today and enjoy the benefits for years – maybe decades – to come! Enroll your high potential employees in FBI’s one-of-a-kind leadership development program – The Contractor Business Boot Camp. Please contact Charlotte at to learn more.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Do something…even if it is wrong!

    One of your recent blogs mentioned leadership and something along the lines of “he wasn’t a bad leader because he made bad decisions….he was a bad leader because he wouldn’t make any decisions.”

    • I definitely lean in that direction, Mike. Founding entrepreneurs usually have an incredibly strong bias for action. They have the luxury, early on, of making mostly unilateral decisions. Unfortunately they don’t – perhaps CANNOT – teach their successors to make group decisions, and that’s where many fambiz break down. Thank you.

  2. A quote that I often share when mentoring younger staff:

    “It is better to be boldly decisive and risk being wrong than to agonize at length and be right too late.”
    Marilyn Moats Kennedy

    • Sweet! Great quote. Thanks, Jason!

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