Life is Too Short

In over three decades of working for and with others, what lesson does Wayne rate #1? Life is too short and precious to waste on toxic people!

This week, Wayne will give you a simple three-part test for determining if you are working around rotten people, asks you to put your values to the test, and briefly relates Simon Sinek’s observation of how Navy Seals choose optimal teammates. We’d love to have your comments about:
1. The #1 lesson you have distilled from your work life
2. How you have successfully dealt with toxic people at work or home

The Contractor Business Boot Camp starts on Oct. 21, 2021. Please enroll your high potential people now while early-bird pricing is available! Contact Charlotte at to learn more about the program and the limited time early bird pricing.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Education plus On the Job Training plus Experience equals Knowledge plus Pain equals Wisdom.
    I believe the problem with dealing with these toxic people and removing them starts with managers not being trained in effective confrontations. They need to understand there will eventually be confrontation with toxic personalities which gives a better and quicker result if you are pro-active. I have a phrase that I have used and people understand which is early confrontation: “Close the Door.” You can’t be confronting on the fly and just giving hints of your displeasure. Close the door means this is serious, and I don’t want other people listening. I have found that you get their full attention then.

    • Good wisdom, Jim. Thanks

  2. Tough love has to prevail. Toxic people just drain the energy out of a team. Thanks Wayne.

    • Agree 100%, Herb. Thanks

  3. Experience comes from what we have done, wisdom comes from what we have done poorly. Not sure who said this, but I have a lot of wisdom. 🙂 Love the videos and as a construction attorney, they are as applicable to my law practice as to your contractor clients. My best advice is–work with people you like/trust/have similar values. Otherwise, you are always looking behind you to see if they have become an enemy.

    • Excellent advice, Craig. Thank you.

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