Is The Next Generation Ready To Take Ownership?

Many family business owners have a desire to keep their legacy alive by passing down their companies to their children, but what if the next generation isn’t ready to take the leadership reins.
Listen to Dennis as he talks in detail about the ongoing challenge of next generation readiness as well as possible solutions for nurturing and developing future leaders.
We look forward to your thoughts and comments.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. I hear you.

  2. Very informative and encouraging.
    We have 6 children, so I know you didn’t have to find a big shoe!
    Thanks again!

  3. Dennis
    7 kids, did you have a big shoe to keep them in?
    Great delivery Dennis !!!
    All different hats to wear:
    Having non-family member owners and leaders frees up the children of the owner to not feel obligated to join the family business.
    This removes pressure on parents and children alike.

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