If You’re the Lifeblood of Your Company, You’ve Doomed It to Failure!

In the world of sports, you have only to remember the examples of Muhammed Ali, Michael Jordan, or Willie Mays as former superstars who had a very hard time letting go of the limelight. It is also the case that construction leaders – especially company founders – have a hard time letting go.

If you are or will become a chokepoint in your firm, you are potentially dooming it to failure! Tune in this week as Wayne bounces off an Entrepreneur magazine article and discusses how to make letting go not only easier but also provides four concrete steps for making a leadership succession tangible.

We’d love to hear your succession stories in the comments area. And please get your high potential NextGens signed up for The Contractor Business Boot Camp! Contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more about the program and the limited time early bird pricing.

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