If You Spend Time Performing, You Need to Invest Time in Recovering

Most contractors work punishing schedules, and yet at the end of the week or month, there is still more to be done. The solution for most is to double down and work even harder, but at some point the extra effort produces diminishing returns. Given that business is more of a marathon than a sprint, what’s the key to building long lasting resilience? What does it take to recover from the relentless pace of this industry?

Please join Wayne this week as he likens successful contractors to top athletes and discusses the concept of “load management.” As always, we welcome your comments.

The Contractor Business Boot Camp can be transformational for your high potential NextGen employees and family members. Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more about the program.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Good, timely message. I’ve been running hard, ditch my phone at night, have a coach, and get regular exercise. I haven’t typically taken all of my PTO but I make a solid dent in it.

    I have two more tips: Force yourself to get 7+ hrs of sleep and don’t be afraid to drop a 30-minute nap in the mix once in a while. Also, I read some fiction. If I spend all my time reading business articles and reading business management books, my mind is not getting a break, I’m just working in a different way.

    • Excellent, Chris! Thank you.

  2. Wayne when I was trying and it was achieved to de-stress I learned how to sail blue water. You really have to focus and totally gets your mind off of work which was a problem for me.
    Could you provide us a link to HBD article please.

    • Sailing? That oughta make you worry MORE, Mark! A boat needs two engines to function properly, doesn’t it?

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