How To Immediately Become A Better Leader

Family business leaders are really, really good at many, if not most, of the facets of their companies. They’re smart and tough. They meet challenges head on and somehow, often through grit and hard work, they overcome them. Eventually their little successes add up and become big ones”¦
However, years, maybe even decades, of success can cause family business leaders to become unresponsive to feedback – maybe even unwilling to listen to input from others. If years of success can breed complacency and even arrogance, how does one go about avoiding this “hardening of the attitudes?”
Listen to our blog this week as Wayne summarizes one of the all-time great books on leadership It’s Your Ship and talks about vital advice for becoming a better leader – stop talking and start listening!
We look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. In today’s world it seems everyone wants to be heard. In meetings we work so hard to be able to deliver our ideas and opinions we forget most times more is learned by listening to our customers, agents, and co-workers. Thanks for the reminder.

    • Thanks, John!

  2. Very Informative.
    Wayne, I am a believer that communication is the key element for a successful business. Listening constitute the biggest part of the communication process.
    Best regards

    • Absolutely right, Marcos. Thanks!

  3. Hi Wayne,
    It’s Your Ship is a great book! I read it a couple years ago before I took the helm at our company. Now that I’ve been CEO for nearly a year and a half, it’s amazing to me how quickly Mike was able to “right” the USS Benfold by listening, then acting. All in a couple of years. I’m listening (a lot), but turning our old ship takes quite a bit of time! What is great is that we’re relatively well-performing to begin with! Thanks.

    • It is great, Jim! I hear you’re doing plenty of the right things! Keep up the great work!

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