How To Get Your Projects Done On Time and On Budget

Keeping your projects on schedule and meeting deadlines is critical to your success. Surprisingly, the underlying cause of project delays or quality failures is much more a behavioral issue rather than a process one.

Watch our blog this week as Wayne references The New York Times Bestseller Influencers, talks about the biggest barrier to getting projects done, and delivers insight into how you can influence behavior in your organization so you can hit your marks much more consistently.

We look forward to hearing your comments and thoughts.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. I’ve been a silent reader of your blog and this one really caught my attention. I agree that keeping our projects on schedule and meeting deadlines is very critical to our business success. Understanding the underlying cause of projects delays and failures will help us deal the issue as soon as we can, helping us keep everything organized and achieve our goal of meeting our deadlines. Thank your for a great vlog! Keep posting!

    • Thanks for the encouragement, Olivia!

  2. Wayne,

    Your vlogs are incredibly helpful. But this one, wow! This one is fantastic. In fact, I am going to show this to our entire company at our next meeting in an effort to make the point that everyone has accountability and needs to be held to it. Thank you!

    • Cool! Good luck with that, Brian. Hope it’s not like Animal House where everyone threw beer cans at the screen when Flounder’s picture came up!

  3. A+ Discussion.

    • Cool! Glad you liked it, Jim!

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