How To Create More Time

The universal complaint among leaders in the construction industry is that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done! Construction can be a relentless, demanding industry; in fact, a contractor once told Wayne “It’s like being a baseball umpire. You have to be perfect on your first day and then get better every day thereafter!” If we’re all constrained by the same 24 hour per day, 168 hour work week, how can we cope? How can we conjure up more of that which is ruthlessly limited?

Please watch this week as Wayne gives you a three step process (courtesy of the Chief Executive newsletter and Marshall Goldsmith) for finding more time to do the high impact, long term things you know you ought to be doing. What has worked well for you in determining your highest and best use (HABU)? Please share with us in the comments.

And if you want a copy of the time log Wayne mentions – you’ll be doing yourself a real favor! – CLICK HERE.

2023 Boot Camp cities and dates are now available! The Contractor Business Boot Camp will take place in Dallas on May 11-12, Denver on August 10-11, Toronto on October 5-6 and Raleigh on November 9-10. Please contact Charlotte at for more information.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Very interesting topic that we all struggle with.
    Please send me the ‘time log’ that you were mentioning.


    • Will do, Steve.

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