How Big Things Get Done

Did you know that megaprojects, those valued at over $1 bil, tend to flop at a fantastic rate? Projects like California’s high speed rail fiasco or failed movies like Heaven’s Gate are, sadly, the norm, not the exception. What makes big projects go so wrong so regularly? And what about small projects like home renovations?

Please tune in this week as Wayne reviews a fantastic book – one that EVERY contractor should buy immediately – How Big Things Get Done. This book has some terrific insights into how to AVOID bad jobs of any size and offers 11 rules of thumb for better projects. And you will be surprised at what the authors define as the BIGGEST RISK OF ALL! What risk mitigation techniques work best for you? Please share in the comments.

The Denver class of The Contractor Business Boot Camp is already half full. If you haven’t yet enrolled your high-potential NextGen leaders to this career development program, do it NOW! Please contact Charlotte at for more information.

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