Four Ways An Occasional Disruption Might Actually Be Good for Us

No one WANTS disruption! But, when presented with one, might a period of disruption not present certain opportunities? Might it not challenge us in a way that produces positives? Might it not cause us to grow in certain ways?

Please check out our blog this week as Wayne discusses four ways an occasional disruption might actually be beneficial. Please let us know what unanticipated benefits you’re experiencing as a result of current events.

Thank you.

BOOT CAMP is back!
Our newest Boot Camp class is set for Oct. 14-16 in Raleigh. If you have high potential rising leaders in your construction company, you won’t want them to miss this opportunity! Contact Charlotte at to learn more.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Realizing that we do not need an open door policy in our office.
    Learning to let office staff do more work remotely.

    • Thanks, Joe.

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