Four Keys to Leading in Uncertain Times

Current events and economists’ forecasts hardly give us reassurance at the moment. We may be heading into a period of softening business conditions, and that’s a worry for all leaders.

Please tune in as Wayne offers four keys for leading in uncertain times and an opportunity for making your team even stronger.

Please give us the benefit of your thinking in the comments below. Thank you.

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  1. Way to stay resolute, Wayne. I remember a company we built a data center for 20 years ago that hired a consulting firm to change their image and name, and the outcome stuck with me. The name they chose was Agilera. The reason they chose this was from the phrase “Be Agile in an Era of Change.”

    • Perfect comment, Paul. Thanks!

  2. Wayne, excellent points. To reinforce your points, The Gallup organization has researched and engagement levels are correlated with clear mission and vision and performance management systems that measure performance based on demonstrating company values . These times are great learning opportunities for all of us. Thanks.

    • Thanks for that, Kent. I think you and I intuitively knew what Gallup researched: clarity of mission and vision is a a key for having engaged employees – as well as for upgrading your talent.

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