Focus on Three Things

In this blog video, Wayne shares a frustration over the lack of follow-through by conference attendees and some advice on applying the knowledge gained when you return to the real world. Please share your comments below.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne, great video. I’m very familiar with Rob’s work (he’s a great guy too) and you did a fantastic job of picking some good nuggets from Time Really Is Money!

    • Thanks, Dan!

  2. This was absolutely terrible. You wasted my time.

    • HAHA!

      • see what you have done here, Don?!? My credibility is going kaput!

    • Ha, ha, Don! There is one in every crowd! Hope you’re prospering, Brother!

  3. Can I get a link to download this blog entry? I want to reduce it to about 2 minutes to show at our weekly staff meeting. Thanks.

    • Sure, Chris. Will have staff send it to you. Thanks!

  4. Wayne,
    This is my first time logging into your blog. Thank you for putting me on your list.
    Great topic and tip. The follow up is a great challenge.
    Simple is good. We have something at Scott that we encourage our clients to do called
    TargetOne. It is the concept to pick one risk goal and get into your marrow.
    Have a great day.

    • Your background looks professional.

      • Thanks, Jeryl!

    • Thanks, Bret!

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