Exploding the Long Work Hours Myth

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In today’s blog, we discuss how, in the current ultra-competitive business environment, the good old nine-to-five job seems like an ancient relic. But, the bigger question we need to ask ourselves is: “Does hard work really work? Is working harder and harder actually doing what we assume it does “” resulting in more and better output?”

Watch our blog this week as Wayne busts the myth of achieving more by working longer hours and shares evidence of the negative impacts of long, exhausting hours spent at work.

We look forward to hearing what steps are you taking to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Please share your thoughts and comments. Thank you.

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  1. Is it necessary once stuck in the trap to die in the trap? Have you seen any successful self-rescue techniques actually work and free the captives? Please share those strategies if they exist.

    • There are certainly enlightened and progressive fambiz leaders who spring free of the trap. They, as Stephen Covey taught, began with the end in mind. Start from where you want to end up, then work backwards thru the steps you need to take to get there. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Wayne,
    Great advice! I have been committed to our state trade organization for last few years finishing as Chairman this past June! That was the catalyst that helped me realize at 69 I can step back and let go.
    Additionally, I hired a CFO to oversee the money.
    I am very proud of our staff, and I now have time to oversee our retirement plans.
    Thanks for reinforcement.

    • Great to hear, Tim! Well done!

  3. Wayne,

    I have decided many years ago to hire the best people I can and pay them what they are worth. Soon as I figured that out my hours dropped by 1/3.
    The next big move was to invest in technology that can generate reports weekly, daily that track progress on projects cutting my time again by 1/3.
    Now I work about 30-40 hours a week. I still get phone calls about issues but my workload has been cut down.

    • Hello Ron, if you are willing to share, which technology did you implement?

  4. I realized that my hours were detrimental when I started to evaluate employees on their hours instead of their performance. There is a balance, but the best employees do not require you to watch the clock.

    To remedy, I started setting hours for myself. I make it a point (barring something very abnormal) to leave my office each day at the same time – often before other employees to send the message that it is okay to book time for other things in your life. I have been doing this for about 11 months, and the amazing part is you realize that the 1-2 hours at the end of the day are really not that productive for a morning person like me. Everyone is different, and I am encouraging our people to work when they are the most productive.

    • That’s great, Brandon! Well done!

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