Engage Your Top Team

In today’s competitive labor market, retaining your top talent is more challenging than ever. What’s the secret to keeping your best people even as other employers try to poach them?

Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis discusses how to engage with and retain your best and brightest employees and developing win-win outcomes for everyone.

We’d love to hear what steps you’re taking to retain your top team members. Please share with us in the comments below.

Don’t forget about The Contractor Business Boot Camp. The Jan 27-28 class is almost two-thirds full! Invest in your high-potential NextGen leaders by enrolling them to this one-of-a-kind leadership development program today. Contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com to learn more.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Dennis… great blog!! Our company is currently going through an ownership transition from a small group of 9 owners to a larger group involving many of our “top talent”. The part we’re currently struggling with is wanting to keep the majority of the ownership with the people who have the most decision making responsibility and those who can move the company forward, however with doing this, we’re struggling with the question of whether the ownership “chunk” that some of these other key people is going to be large enough to retain them. Therein lies the question…..

    • Colin,
      Sounds like you are trying to doo the right things there. always difficult to draw the line at any point. I’d be happy to discuss personally with you. feel free to try me at your leisure, 919-824-3005.

  2. excellent thoughts Dennis, especially in these times. thanks!

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