Culture of Blame

Construction has long been thought of as an industry of butt-kicking instead of pats on the back. Among today’s workforce, where there is blame, fear follows, relationships weaken, and project performance suffers. To avoid a kick in the pants, people may attempt to cover up errors and hide concerns. In the absence of solid, timely project information, errors increase which leads to more blaming. How do you avoid this vicious cycle?

Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis discusses ways to escape the blame game and build a culture of teamwork and collaboration.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please share with us in the comments below.

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Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. I say it all the time I’m always trying to pick the positive out of a bad situation. Lesson learned and will be avoided next time, that’s positive to me.

    • Paul,

      I couldn’t agree more.


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