Calm is Contagious

The coronavirus has thrown a real monkey wrench into what looked like a terrific year for most businesses. This may prove to be a very short-lived public health matter, and the rebound may be swift, but no one really knows what to expect over the coming weeks.

There are, however, some things that leaders can and must do to keep their businesses moving forward productively even in such a time. Please watch this week’s blog for five tips on what to do during an unpredicted and unpredictable event.

We look forward to seeing your comments and welcome your stories on the things you’re doing on behalf of your employees, partners, and customers. Thank you.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Hey Wayne…excellent message. I noticed the transcript was not included for download, will you be making that available for this post?

    • Yes we will, Jeff, eventually. We’re working a little short handed just now – like I’m sure many of you are.

  2. Wayne, thank you. That is sage advice. Now more than ever we, as owners, need to lead.
    Thank you, and may this situation improve quickly.

    • I agree 100%, Jeff. Thanks.

  3. Hi Wayne, I really liked your video on “Calm is Contagious” and the great advice. Well done.

    • You’re welcome, Alan.

  4. Wayne very well done. Great reminders. Thanks

    • Thanks, Kent.

  5. He was whining. Hopefully for your staff Wayne, your whining has lessened over the years.

    • Knew you couldn’t resist, Don! But thank you for the terrific advice (and slap upside my head). My whining has dramatically declined due to you.

  6. Very positive message, Wayne. It’s easy to get down with the way our news is delivered. You are right on with how we must deliver our message to our employees. Thanks for the words!

    • You’re welcome, Bob.

  7. Thank you. Wise and needed encouragement.

    • You’re welcome, Brian.

  8. Great message Wayne.I’ll certainly take the advice. DB

    • Excellent, David.

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