Attitude is Everything

While it might appear to be a hackneyed cliche, attitude IS contagious, and your attitude affects others as you come in contact with them. It’s not what happens to you that matters. It’s how you choose to respond that makes a difference, and that’s all about your attitude choices. As a leader, a question you should ask yourself is: “Am I making the right attitude choices?”

Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis explores the power of having a positive attitude and the impact it has.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Very well said and a wonderful reminder, thanks Dennis!

  2. Thanks for this reminder Dennis. It’s easy to get “drug into the ditch” (as my dad used to say) when a project is going poorly and morale is low. As leaders we have a choice about letting circumstances dictate our attitude. The positive way is the better way. I myself prefer to be around people with positive forward-looking attitudes… i suppose our teams would prefer the same from leadership!

  3. starts at the top!

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