A Shot Across My Bow

In any family business of any size, one thing remains true: your leadership training is NEVER FINISHED! And it’s not just you; all your department, high potential, and situational leaders need to continue to learn, practice, and improve their skills too. The best way to send the continuous learning message is to – you guessed it – lead by example! True leaders embrace continuous learning as both a personal and organizational value in order to foster a culture of growth and competitiveness.

Watch our blog this week as Wayne presents you with ideas to hone your skills and be a better leader.

We’d love to hear what leadership steps are you taking to improve yourselves and your team.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne – Once again,your usual good job!
    Can you give a link to Arlin’s blog?

    • Thanks, Eddie. I’ll have to find it…

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