A Look Ahead: What Corporate Directors Think

The accounting firm BDO conducted a survey of corporate directors in late 2023, and some of their perspectives are quite interesting. They listed their top concerns, the top business threats, what they wish for (this one might surprise our members!), and their top strategic priorities. Wayne even learned a new business acronym: VUCA.

Please tune in this week as Wayne reveals the survey results and identifies a rather obvious disconnect in the directors’ thinking. What do you think? Do you share the corporate directors’ concerns, or are “small business” concerns quite different? Please share with us in the comments.

The last class of Contractor Business Boot Camp for 2024 begins in Denver in August. Contact Charlotte today at ckopp3@performanceconstruction.com to find out how your high potential rising leaders can benefit from this one-of-a-kind leadership development program.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Adding market share and enriching the customer experience is a tough environment. As the firm grows, it takes more and more effort not to lose the customer experience. How are companies trying to do these in tandem?

    • Great question, Chris. It would be great to see how our audience may be able to suggest ideas!

  2. Currently my son and I are trying to figure out a transition plan for my 20yr old company. Our goal is to give me enough funds to retire comfortably but not burden him with too much debt. Those interest rates right now are really a problem. Any advice in methods would be great.

    • Matt, do you want us to schedule a quick virtual appointment to discuss? Please advise. Thank you.

  3. On Board Agenda items, seemed to jump from #1 succession planning at all levels to #3 corporate culture- What was # 2?

    • Oh! I manage to do this all the time, Jean. I make a list and leave out an item. You’re not the first to call me out on it, believe me. If I could remember what it was… Nice to hear from you, Jean! Hope you all are prospering!

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