Think Before You Respond

FBI Consultant John Stump witnessed an unfortunate interaction during his travels that can serve as a timely lesson to all of us.

We as human beings have countless opportunities to make a positive difference in the lives of other people: employees, peers, friends, family, waiters and waitresses, and complete strangers. Please tune in this week as Wayne relates John’s unfortunate story and talks about the five ingredients inherent in every human interaction with a special focus on “exercising integrity in the moment of CHOICE.”

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And, don’t forget about our construction leadership program – Contractor Business Boot Camp. A new cohort starts Feb 18, 2021 in Raleigh, NC. Enroll them today so they are prepared for leadership challenges tomorrow. Please contact Charlotte at for more information about the program.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Great example of being a humble leader.
    Calm confidence is always my goal, the 5 steps you spelled out will help me
    achieve that goal more often. Thankyou

    • Excellent, Arnie. Thanks for commenting

  2. Perfect timing. This is something I truly need to work on. I was up all night trying to think of a response in case I get negative feedback on an email I sent yesterday. My issue is I always rush to have a response. I need to sit and think about my responses more and how they might affect my relationship with a contractor. I need to be more positive, that is for sure. Great message!

    • Glad you liked it, Paul!

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