Three Ways You May Be Hurting Your Employees’ Productivity

A productive workforce lowers costs, increases profitability and allows for innovation, and an unproductive workforce leads to less profits, demotivation and ultimately less work productivity. What leaders often fail to realize is that their leadership approach has a direct influence on the organization’s ability to achieve its goals. As a leader, your most important job is to create a productive environment for employee performance.

Watch our blog this week as Wayne talks about three ways leaders hamper their employees’ productivity and presents you with solutions to raise performance levels.

We look forward to hearing your comments and thoughts.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne,
    As always, your instruction and advice is much appreciated. You on on the mark.

    • Thanks, Brian! Hope you’re doing well!

  2. Insightful as always! What would you suggest if you delegate decision making and then a clear mistake is made? I agree on baby steps with the level of decision that is delegated but should you ignore such a situation?


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