2iC: What Do You Need From Your COO?

Call it whatever you like: 2iC, GM, Sr. VP, or any other appellation. The fact is effective COOs (just like effective CFOs, etc.) allow CEOs to be better at their jobs. But there is scant literature out there about appropriate roles and duties of COOs.

Tune in this week as Wayne explains why defining a COOs role is so difficult and explores the seven different roles COOs might fulfill. What do you think? What steps have you taken to maximize your COOs effectiveness (as well as the other C-roles) in your construction company?

The Denver class of The Contractor Business Boot Camp is only a couple of months away. If you haven’t yet enrolled your high-potential NextGen leaders to this career development program, do it NOW! Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. You said seven types but only enumerated 6. Perhaps the collaborator and MVP type were supposed to be two different types, at any rate only went to #6.

    The only thing I would add is that the COO might be 4 or 5 of the types described all rolled into one.

    • Austin, I screwed up. There were only six, not seven. I’d like to tell you this is the first time I’ve made this mistake…

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