Your Choices Reveal Who You Are

In this blog video, Wayne draws on a personal experience from his youth to illustrate how your choices, especially under adverse conditions, reveal who you are as a leader. Please share your comments below.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Awesome video Wayne. Great content.

    • Thanks, Josh! Hope you are prospering!

  2. How did you know I needed this talkin’ to?
    Thanks for your wise words!

    • You’re welcome, Dolores!

  3. A good example from Margaret is hope. Without hope it is negative for sure.

    • Right!

  4. The title speaks volumes. Purposeful.
    It made me think of Andy Stanley’s Best Question Ever, “In light of my past experiences, current situation, and future hopes and dreams, what is the best thing to do?” We all have hopes and dreams of a brighter future and like Margaret some find a way and others don’t.
    Keep up the good work!

    • Good call, Jason! Thanks.
      P.S. Email me with any news you might have.

  5. Great reminder of the example we need to set as leaders.

    • Yes sir! Thanks, Jon.

  6. Obviously, this is the best video so far!! You have reached the Pinnacle!
    On a side note, you didn’t pick up on the fact Margaret was flirting with you…ahhh, to be 17 and oblivious again

    • Love the Iowa representation!! Positive people!

      • We love our midwesterners, Drew, no doubt!

    • Nowhere to go but downhill from here, huh, Don?

      • That’s so funny! I so much appreciate your webcasts and your inspiring information!

        • Thank you, Sheila.

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