Every Great Why Needs a Great How

In this blog video, Wayne passes along some wisdom that is simple and profound. We often know why we need to make changes in our family or closely held businesses. We just don’t know how. Please share your comments below.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Great Message! Enjoy your broadcast!

    • Thank you, John.

  2. Wayne…love your vlogs. Short..to the point. Great advice. Smile more!

    • Good call, Jim! Thanks!

  3. Does a company needs a mission statement?

    • Yep! See the next comment, Jeryl, for an example of why. Thanks!

    • YES! Our business transition was not a smooth one at all, but one of the things we (the staff) pushed for was making a mission statement so that 1) the (former) owners were confident that we were leading the company in the same the direction they had always followed — we believed in the same ideals and were not going to strip everything down to a money-making machine — and 2) it solidified that under the new ownership (their son) and management, we were all on the same page, going in the same direction. After that exercise of writing up our mission statement, we moved forward to start strategic planning and build upon that first step and again, keep us all moving in the same direction. It’s been super helpful.

      • Thank you, Maureen.

  4. I always find your blogs informative and encouraging!
    I struggle to put things in the order of importance as well as creating and implementing systems.
    Information for those things would be helpful!
    Sheila Smith

    • Got it. Thanks, Sheila.

  5. Appreciate your succinct story on how you have found and overcome roadblocks.

    • Thank you, Joe.

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