Genghis Khan, Preconceived Notions, and Your Family Business

In this blog video, Wayne shares lessons about Genghis Khan and preconceived notions for your family business. Please let us know what you think about the video in the comments below.

Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Wayne, your comments are consistently interesting and insightful; I always learn something new. I wok with professional business advisors who have family owned business clients and they, too, find your topics and remarks to be most helpful.
    I think our pre-conceived notions allow us to think we’re saving time when working with clients when really those assumptions prevent us from getting important information from them. It limits our ability to be effective because we aren’t really listening to their story- we think we already know it. thanks for the reminder to pay attention.

    • Thank you for the kind remarks, Kim!

  2. Wow! you´ve just described my parents (75 & 78 yrs.)….
    Listening to your videos makes me feel less alone in trying to keep working in a tiny family business where the management does not want to listen and keep telling me how to do things. Hearing you explain the psychology helps me to understand them better, which helps me cope better. Thank you Wayne! Best regards,

    • Glad to help, Sandra!

  3. Great perspective. I really enjoyed the closing segment that discussed talking and listening. Very helpful and thought provoking.

    • Thank you, Matt.

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