Where is the Construction Economy Heading?

Concerns over the possibility of an economic recession amid global supply chain problems and geopolitical instability has everyone wondering about what the effects may be on construction.

Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis responds to popular demand to share his thoughts on where the construction economy is heading – and more importantly – what steps you should be taking to steer your company smoothly through potential uncertain times. We’d love to hear how you are preparing your companies to cruise through a possible downturn. Please share with us in the comments below.

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Please click here to download the transcript.

  1. Hi Dennis,
    What source do you use for industry standard profitability? Thanks for the post!

    • Mary,
      We use RMA online, formerly Risk Management Associates and Robert Morris & Associates.

  2. Good job explaining this Dennis. You don’t look like your aging any either bud.

    • Thanks, Damian. I feel better than ever and the added exercise in this phase of life is big bonus!

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